SemnasPKM 2019 Conference

I Wayan Budiarta, Ni Wayan Kasni

Master of Linguistics Program Warmadewa University


This paper is aimed to explore the application of ESA method in teaching English for Grade1 of Elementary Students. The method of ESA is applied to discover how effective it can assist the student in the process of learning English especially for the first grade of elementary students. The method is applied for the first grade of Elementary Student of SDN2 and SDN 3 Serangan Denpasar. The teaching process was designed for eight meeting which last for two month or half of semester. The Method applied in the teaching process is ESA which include Engage, Study and Activate, Engage is the beginning of teaching activities in which the teacher or instructor to attract students interests through fun activities in the form of games. This game is designed to attract and to get student attention. While in the Study the teacher deliver the teaching material which has been introduce in the Engage through game. While in activate, the teacher tries to give some exercises which related to the topic so the students can use the language. The exercises which is given in activate is also given through game as it the most effective way in teaching process for the beginner. The result showed that the student is really active in the class as all the process of teaching is undertaken in fun way. The improvement as the result of applying the method is shown as the students are dare to rise their hand to answer the game or quiz given by the teacher. The student has the courage to speak though it only one or two words that has been introduced. This indicates that the method is effective in the teaching of first grade of elementary students

Keywords: engage, study, activate, game

Topic: Ekowisata


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