The Comparative Analysis of Moringa oleifera Leaf Powder (MOLP) Characteristics from East Java Region
Hendra Susanto1a, Dinda Tri Yunisa1, Fahdina Rufiandita1, Faris Nizarghasi1, Gufron Alifi1, Ahmad Taufiq2, Ahmad Imam Mawardi3, Lita Neldya Putri1, Shinta Dewi Misbahol Kurnia1, Sumardi1, Alfi Nur Faizah1, Annisah Rachmawati Ariyadi1, Farida Ariyani1, Garin Nur Aini1, and Indah Anggita1
1 Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia
2 Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia
3 Department of Post Graduate Studies, Universitas Islam Sunan Ampel, Surabaya, Indonesia
Moringa oleifera is an endemic plant in East Java Province that spread in several districts of this region. The fast-growing population of this plant, particularly in Madura Island and significant Island may provide an opportunity to explore the essential characteristics of this plant between each region. Moringa oleifera is not only the potential and miracle natural resources in Indonesia but also the crucial alternative solution combating malnutrition linked micro-macro elements deficiency. This study was conducted by using Moringa oleifera leaf powder (MOLP) from Madura island and other districts, including Malang, Pasuruan, Tuban, and Tulungagung. The basic profile of micro and macro elements were quantified by X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) analysis at Central laboratory FMIPA Universitas Negeri Malang. Importantly, the higher level of Phosphor, Sulfur, and Potassium was found in MOLP Malang area while the lowest one was found in Madura sample. By contrast, a massive amount of Calcium, Manganese, Ferrum, and Molybdenum were dominantly found in Madura sample. Interestingly, the few concentration of Titanium was found in the Madura sample and cannot be observed in other samples. This data imply that Moringa oleifera leaf powder in East Java regions has a potential ingredient in the development of green materials synthesis and application, biomedical resources, and another implementation. To sum up, the exploration and application of MOLP from Madura variety for future clinical and nonclinical administration may become an alternative solution for combating metabolic disturbation related diseases. Thus, further expanding research is urgently required to establish the application of MOLP for medical and biomedical engineering linked advanced bionanotechnology.
Keywords: Moringa oleifera, leaf powder, biomaterials, East Java region
Topic: Biomaterial Science