SoRes 2019 Conference

Knowledge Chain as A System in Building Pesantren Entrepreneurial
Muhardi; Nurdin; Aminuddin Irfani

Universitas Islam Bandung


This research aims to analyze the role of knowledge chain as a system in developing pesantren entrepreneurship. In line with the objectives of this study, the analysis approach used is knowledge chain model. The study is conducted at the pesantren Dzkir Al-Fath in Sukabumi City, Indonesia. Data is collected through interviews and discussions with leaders of pesantren, mahasantri (santri at higher level), alumni, and also the entrepreneurial community fostered by the pesantren. The results of this study indicate that knowledge chain can be derived from internal knowledge with knowledge sources from pesantrens internal or external creativity. The practice of internal knowledge is then transformed into entrepreneurial practices of the external environment executed by alumni and jamaah community. This means that knowledge chain can be assessed as a system that can develop pesantren entrepreneurship in a sustainable manner.

Keywords: Knowledge chain; system; pesantren entrepreneurial.

Topic: Management


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