ICRD 2019 Conference

Village Spatial Legal Regulations: Harmonization of the Environment, Social, and Economic in the Village
Nunik Nurhayati

Law Faculty of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. Ahmad Yani Street, Postal Code 57162, Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia


This study aims to find out how villages legally regulate spatial planning within their villages. and knowing the concept of village spatial planning after the issuance of Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning Villages. Research uses empirical legal research methods. with methods of collecting data through in-depth interviews and literature studies. study sample in several industrial villages in the area of Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java Province, Indonesia. Research results show that the existence of this village spatial plan is a strategic matter. Because the use of space or land resources in the village continues to get structural pressure from the expansion of land-based industries, so that villages continue to lose access to space resources. Because it is important for the village to ensure the spatial arrangement. With good spatial planning in the village, the harmonization between the environmental, social and economic conditions in the village will also be good. The concept of regulation on spatial planning is a legal product that is top-down in nature, while village initiation in forming village regulations on village spatial planning after the issuance of the Village Law can be considered as bottom-up efforts. Therefore, the process of village spatial planning must combine a top-down and bottom-up approach while at the same time requiring alignment between spatial arrangements at the district level and spatial arrangement in the village.

Keywords: Legal Regulations, Spatial Planning, Villages

Topic: Rural and Regional Governance

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/W6kfE2puACaN

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