BEST 2019 Conference

Bibliometric analysis of the term "Three-Dimensional Concurrent Engineering"
Muhammad Adha Ilhami; Subagyo; Nur Aini Masruroh

Universitas Gadjah Mada;
Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa


Three-dimensional concurrent engineering (3DCE) concepts provide new approach for integrating product, process, and supply chain design and give companies the opportunities to shorten product development lead time and time to market eventually, increase product variant and quality, and reduce product development cost. However, the 3DCE approach is not comprehensive yet since the researches are continuing and growing. This article provides bibliometric literature review on 3DCE as a term and concept through mainly Scopus database and Mendeley software for managing and resuming the references. After manual filtering and reading we conclude 37 articles strongly related to the term of 3DCE. Finally, we classify the articles based on its keywords into three cluster of words using VOSviewer software. We find that "supply chain", "new product development", and "3dce" are the most frequently words of those articles which represent the research stream or the researcher-s background.

Keywords: 3DCE; integrated product development; VOSviewer

Topic: Industrial Engineering


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