ICMScE 2019 Conference

Preliminary analysis of problem-based statistical learning media
Hamdunah, S Handayani, and L H Jufri

Mathematics Education Department, STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat


Learning media is one of the important things to improve the quality of learning. Toward learning media developed in accordance with the student-s needs, a learning can be carried out well. Right now, there is no learning in the statistics course that is in accordance with the needs of the Informatics Education Study Program Students. Based on the background of the problem, the purpose of this study was to analyze the need of STKIP PGRI Sumatra Barat students on learning media of statistical course. It was a Research and Development using the design of Plomp development (Preliminary research, prototyping phase, and assessment phase). The stages carried out were limited to the preliminary research stage. At this stage, the process was conducted by analyzing lesson plan, syllabus, learning resources and student needs analysis towards questionnaire of student-s need and interview instrument towards students and peers, as well as analyzing student characteristics. Those instruments were analysis sheets in the form of questionnaires and interview guidelines. Questionnaires were given to students of the Informatics Education Study Program. Questionnaire and interview data were analyzed qualitatively. The results of the study show that students need a problem-based learning media in a Statistics Course at Informatics Education Study Program of STKIP PGRI Sumatra Barat.

Keywords: Learning media, Statistics, problem-based learning

Topic: Mathematics Education

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/WPjDbpT2g9CY

Web Format | Corresponding Author (Hamdunah Hamdunah)