Preliminary Assesment in Depressurized Accident in High Temperature Gas Cooled Fast Reactors
Zaki Su’ud1, Fitria Miftasani1, Feriska H. Irka1, Inda Rosyidah1, Nur Asiah A1.,Dwi Irwanto1, Zuhair2
1Nuclear and Biophysics Research Divisions, Bandung Institute of Technology
2National Nuclear Energy Agency, Indonesia
Global Warming become more important issue in the recent decade. Related to this issue, energy conversion efficiency play important role in achieving economical design of NPP and directly influences thermal pollution to the environment as for the case of gas fueled power plants which becomes very competitive with advanced high temperature gas turbine system. In this study the feasibility to develop high temperature modular gas cooled fast reactors have been investigated. In this presentation the focus is in preliminary assessment of depressurized accident case/ High Temperature Ceramic materials are intensively used for structural materials. In this analysis assessment to estimate maximum temperature in the core during depressurized accident has been performed by employing radiation as the final mechanism to ttransfer the heat from the center of the core to the outer part. The natural circulation of air is assumed to be the final heat removal mechanism from the outer part of the core. Two dimensional R-Z geomentry calculation model has been employed to simulate the heat removal mechanism during depressurized accident. The results shows that by proper adjustment of the material and core design parameter it can be obtained designs which can survive depressurized accident inherently.
Keywords: GCFR, high temperature, energy conversion efficiency, depressurized accident, radiation
Topic: Nuclear and Radiation Computation