ICGAI 2019 Conference

Difference of Antioxidant Activity on Original Wedang Uwuh, Brew, Dip, Instant and Syrup
Retnosyari Septiyani, Elok Rahmawati

Prodi Bisnis Jasa Makanan
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan


Wedang uwuh as a typical Imogiri Yogyakarta drink has been widely known to the wider community and even began to develop a lot like wedang uwuh in the original form of spice concoction, brew, dip, instant and syrup. However, research on wedang uwuh is still very limited. Therefore this study aims to carry out proximate analysis of the original, brewed, dipped, instant and syrup so that the chemical content is known and test the antioxidant activity so that it can provide information to the public about the types of variants of wedang which have the best antioxidant activity. Based on the proximate test results, wedang uwuh is boiled and dipped to have lower energy than the original wedang, instant and syrup. Testing of antioxidant activity with the DPPH and IC50 methods showed that wedang uwuh brew had the highest antioxidant activity value compared to the original, dip, instant and syrup variants with IC50 values of 9195.40 ppm. Factors that influence the differences in antioxidant activity in the original, brewed, dipped, instant and brewed ingredients include mechanical treatment, heat treatment, light exposure, and packaging used during storage.

Keywords: original wedang uwuh,brewed wedang uwuh , dip wedang uwuh , instant wedang uwuh , wedang uwuh syrup

Topic: Agricultural Engineering

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/XA2Ek8M9KVJY

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