ICER3M 2019 Conference

Two Dimensional Magnetotelluric Inversion Using Sparse Direct Solver in Transverse Electric (TE) Mode
Tiffany Tjong1, a) , Lisa Yihaa- Roodhiyah1 , Nurhasan1 , Doddy Sutarno1

1Electromagnetic Induction Lab., Physics of Complex System Div., Faculty off Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia


We implemented sparse directs solver in our TE-mode magnetotelluric inversion program. The two dimensional inversion program was built using edge finite element modelling. The use of edge finite element could improve the accuracy of magnetotelluric modelling. However, solving the sparse linear system of edge finte element is very time consuming and this would affect the time required to solve the inversion problem. Using the sparse direct solver to solve the linear system in edge element modelling could make the inversion faster and more efficient.

Keywords: magnetotelluric, inversion

Topic: Electromagnetic Methods


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