SNIPS 2015 Conference

Stability Analysis on Pre-coalition Models of H1N1-p with H5N1 Virus and Its Persistence in (L^2) Space
Gusti Yuni Shinta Lestari (a*), Hariyanto (b), Mahmud Yunus (b)

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember


Influenza virus (H1N1-p and H5N1) are a dangerous viruses. Interaction or contact between individuals is the virus transmission medium. The virus transmition to other individuals is so easly may be due to a new strain that occurs as a result of pre-coalition between the two viruses. The indicated of pre-coalition by the relationship between stability (R_0) the existence of both viruses in the system. This paper will be analysis of both viral persistence in the space (L^2) and its association with (R_0) value in the model.

Keywords: -coalition virus, Stability, Pesistence in (L^2) space

Topic: Lain-lain (ETC)


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