ICAMST 2019 Conference

The effect of physical activation temperature on physical and electrochemical properties of carbon electrode made from jengkol shell for supercapacitor application
Erman Taer (a*) , Apriwandi (a) , Rika Taslim (b), Agustino (a)

a) Department of Physics, University of Riau, 28293 Simpang Baru, Riau, Indonesia
* erman.taer[at]lecturer.unri.ac.id
b) Departement of Industrial Engineering, State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim, 28293 Simpang Baru, Riau, Indonesia


The effect of physical activation temperature in the preparation process of activated carbon electrode for supercapacitorapplication has been analyzed successfully. The activated carbon made from jengkol shell with a combination of chemical and physical activation. The physical activation temperature variated of 800 ˚C, 850 ˚C, and 900 ˚C. High specific capacitances of activated carbon electrode as high as 220 F g-1 was found in physical activation temperature of 850 C. Additionally, physical properties of activated carbon also evaluated such as density, degree of crystallinity, surface morphology and chemical content. These excellent results show great potential for jengkol shell in developing energy storage devices of supercapacitor application.

Keywords: jengkol shell; activated carbon; supercapacitor

Topic: Functional Materials

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/XYvZabA6gWVu

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