AMBEC 2019 Conference

Evaluation Factors Influencing the Use of Go-Pay with The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 Model
Bismo Batoro

School of Business and Management, Bandung Institute of Technology
Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia


The development of the financial technology industry occurred very rapidly in Indonesia. The event indicated by the increasing proportion of people who use financial technology and the emergence of innovations in the form of new payment instruments, namely electronic money. Electronic money continues to develop with the development of server-based electronic money. Currently, in Indonesia, brands of electronic money products are emerging. Some brands of electronic money products that have high popularity in Indonesia are Go-Pay, OVO, and LinkAja. Until now, Go-Pay is at the top of the competition. Even though Go-Pay already occupies the top position, Go-Pay must develop and innovate to continue to improve its performance. Useful information is needed as consideration for management to make decisions to do the evaluation. Therefore, the researcher will evaluate to illustrate the condition of the use of Go-Pay by a generation that has a high reliance on technology, namely Generation Z. The purpose of this study is to collect useful information by identifying factors that can influence Behavioral Intention and Use Behavior for the community to use Go-Pay as a payment instrument. This study will describe the condition of the use of Go-Pay by Generation Z based on the variables contained in the UTAUT 2 research model. The UTAUT 2 model was formed on seven independent variables, namely Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence, Facilitating Conditions, Hedonism Motivation, Price Value, and Habit. These variables will be tested against the dependent variable, namely Behavioral Intention, and Use behavior. The results of the test identified that Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Hedonism Motivation, and Habit influenced Behavioral intention. While behavioral intention and habits influence user behavior. Other findings from this study state that of all variables, habit is a variable that has the most significant impact that affects both behavioral intention and use behavior.

Keywords: Payment Instrument, Evaluation, Go-Pay, Generation Z, UTAUT2

Topic: Marketing


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