BIS 2019 Conference

Achievement Culture In National Examination at Junior High School
(a), Subur*, (b), Istania Widayati Hidayati

Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang


High Grades of National Examination Score is schools success indicator in gaining academic achievements. The schools will compete in improving the quality of their educational processes by encouraging students to get high grades at the Computer-Based National Examination (CBNE). This study aims to identify school culture and its implementation at junior high schools that achieve the best achievements in the academic field in Magelang Regency. The method used in this study is the evaluative approach with qualitative descriptive analysis. Data collection techniques use observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. The results show that the existence of positive school cultures is honesty, discipline, competitive, cooperation, hard work, and religious. The process of implementing school culture is carried out by starting school activities earlier than the other school in general. it implies that the culture can be used as the reference to improve schools performance

Keywords: ; Culture, Achievement, National Examination.

Topic: Education


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