ISEDEG 2019 Conference

Agropolitan Development of the Superior Food Crop Commodities using Asset Based Community Development Method in Bojonegoro
Chichik Ilmi Annisa (a*), Faizah Lentera Muliarahma (a),Eko Budi Santoso (a)

(a)Urban and Regional Planning Departement, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology Surabaya, Indonesia


Bojonegoro is one of the regency in East Java where the majority of its economic activities are in the agricultural sector. The Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Sector is the contributor to the PDRB ADHK in Bojonegoro District for the last five years (2013-2017) in the second highest after mining and processing sector. Development of the agropolitan area in Bojonegoro is not as expected in developing using the agropolitan concept, so research on the direction of food crops in the agropolitan area is needed by involving community participation, called Asset-Based Community Development. This research aims to (1) Analyze the superior commodities of food crops. (2) Identifying existing assets in the community (3) Formulating the agropolitan area development direction to be in accordance with the leading commodities of food crops based on community assets in Bojonegoro. This research using Location Quotient (LQ) analysis and Shift Share Analysis (SSA) approach to find out the superior commodities. Assets identification of agricultural assets owned by Bojonegoro is carried out by descriptive analysis of the results of data obtained through observation and secondary data. Furthermore, to find out the priority of agropolitan area development is carried out by the Analytical Hierarchy Process (ANP) tools. The results is indicate that the main commodities of food crops in Bojonegoro Regency are Rice and Soybean. The priority of agropolitan development based on superior commodities is the provision of water (0.274531), agricultural production equipment (0.188474) and basic infrastructure (0.187322).

Keywords: Agropolitan, Superior Commodities, ANP (Analytical Hierarchy Process)

Topic: Natural Resources Management


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