MASEIS 2019 Conference

Etnobotany study of medicinal plants of the Euphorbiaceae family in Bengkulu as media for student learning
Kasrina, Alif Yanuar Zukmadini

1. Mahasiswa Program Pasca Sarjana FKIP Universitas Bengkulu Jl. WR Supratman, Kota Bengkulu 38122, Indonesia
2. Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi, FKIP Universitas Bengkulu, Indonesia


Abstract. Although Ethnobotany study research has been carried out in Bengkulu, there is still a lot of data that has not been revealed and the results have not been well documented in a media that contains a dictionary. For this reason, this case study was developed and developed. This research aims to inventory medicinal plants in Bengkulu and is developed as a learning medium that contains a dictionary of Bengkulu medicinal plants. Research methodology by conducting field surveys by means of exploration, observation, interviews with informants selected by purposive sampling and literature study. Data analysis was performed descriptively. From the results of studies on the family Euphorbiaceae found 10 types of medicinal plants, for examples: “Kemiri”/ Candlenut (Aleurites moluccina), “Anting-anting” (Acalypha australis), Patah tulang (Euphorbia tirucalli) and others. Tonsils, headaches, wound medicine, malaria, jaundice, magh, itching, colds, warts, heart disease and so on. From the survey results found differences in the use of plants between informants. In general, many of these plants are surrounded by our environment in the form of liar plants and cultivation plants. Relating to medicinal plants that are documented to contain a dictionary book will help in the learning process related to medicinal plants.

Keywords: Ethnobotany,Euphorbiaceae,Bengkulu

Topic: Biology Education


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