ECEP 2019 Conference

Social Transformation in Early Childhood Education: Case Study in Widhatul Ummah Kindergarten Makassar City, Indonesia (An Educational Ethnographic Study)
Juwanita Sahid, Nurul Ilmi Idrus, Hamka Naping, Munsi Lampe

Anthropology Doctoral Study Program, Hasanuddin University


The global idea of child education was declared through the Educational For All movement for the first time in 1990 in Thailand and then confirmed in the Dakkar Declaration in 2000. Crisis of globalization era such as low morale, the emergence of neo-imperialism, the weakening of nationalism, the emergence of hegemony. The study aim to examine in depth about the children value for families and PAUD (early childhood education) institutions and the process of socio-cultural transformation through the process of internalisation value to children. This research uses an ethnographic approach. Primary data obtained through in-depth interviews, and participant observation. The data analysis of this research was carried out as a qualitative analysis procedure, (1) data reduction, (2) categorization, (3) data interpretation. The results of the study that changes in the application of the curriculum not only on one "Islamic value" but also universal values through child-friendly learning nuances of "Islamic", adopting a model of learning centers (European products) as well as the application of the 2013 PAUD curriculum in accordance with national education standards. Nine indicators of basic values of Islam internalized to students involve the three pillars of education (parents / family, educational institutions and the community / environment), synergy and influence each other. There are supporting and inhibiting factors in implementing Islamic values in TK Wihdatul Ummah. There are six forms of parental involvement, namely (1) parenting education, (2) communication, (3) volunteering, (4) learning at home, (5) making decisions and (6) working with the community.

Keywords: Early Childhood Education, Transformation, Islamic values, ethnography

Topic: Character Education for Early Year Children


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