BCM 2019 Conference

Application of Pringgasela Weaving on Ready-to-Wear Clothing and Business Opportunities in the Fashion Industry
Shilla A.M. Sungkar (a*), Rima Febriani (b*)

a) Textile Craft and Fashion Study Program, School of Creative Industries, Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia
b) Textile Craft and Fashion Study Program, School of Creative Industries, Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia


Tenun or weave is a typical traditional textile from various islands in Indonesia, one of which is from Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. Pringgasela Village, is one of the weaving center villages in East Lombok. Their weave designs are simple and full of meaning. Although as a center of weaving, Pringgasela weaving is less widely known than other regional weaving centers (Wignyo Rahadi, 2018). Its existence had also experienced a downturn, with the worst conditions being in 2016. In addition, there are not many Pringgasela weaving that are being processed in the form of derivative products, such as ready-made clothing. Over time, there have been a lot of ready-to-wear clothes that utilize traditional textiles, but not with Pringgasela weaving. Based on these, it is seen the potential to develop Pringgasela weaving as one of the traditional textiles variants in the design of ready-to-wear clothing. This research aims as a form of effort to develop Pringgasela weaving as a variant of traditional textile in the fashion industry by applying it on ready-to-wear designs, as well as making the most suitable business planning for developing the clothing business opportunity. Conducted with qualitative methodology, the results of this research are ready-to-wear clothing for women with simple dress styles and having interest in something ethnic and traditional.

Keywords: Weave, Pringgasela Weaving, Ready-to-Wear, Business, Fashion

Topic: Design

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/Y8BamwGeKhtZ

Web Format | Corresponding Author (Shilla Annisa Mikaila Sungkar)