ICMScE 2019 Conference

Creativity of Mathematics Education Students in Producing Instructional Media Based on Macromedia Flash Through Blended Learning
Putri Fitriasari (*a), Dina Octaria (*b), and Novita Sari (*c)

a,b) Mathematics Education Study Program, University of PGRI Palembang
c) Mathematics Education Study Program, Sriwijaya University


This study aims to train the creativity of mathematics education students in creating macromedia flash based instructional media through blended learning. Media is an important component in learning process which can help student to achieve learning objectives. In order to produce instructional media, creativity of teacher is needed so as to create innovative products. This research is using a descriptive quantitative research method with 28 students of class VIB mathematics education study program, FKIP University of PGRI Palembang. Data was collected by observation and performance test. The collected data from this research is analysed quantitatively descriptively. Based on the analysis of observation data, it is known that there are 22 and 6 students included in the category of very good and good respectively. In performance test, there are 20 students in very good category, 5 students in good category, 2 students in adequate category, and 1 student in poor category.

Keywords: creativity of students, instructional media, macromedia flash

Topic: Mathematics Education

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/Y8WNJGVktKgy

Web Format | Corresponding Author (Putri Fitriasari)