BIS 2019 Conference

Conception of Religion Teacher in Bugis Makassar Cultural Context
Firdaus, Hardianto Rahman, Umar, Harmilawati, Siar Nimah

Institut Agama Islam Muhammadiyah Sinjai


The importance of becoming a teacher in the Bugis Makassar community has increased from year to year. Teacher expectations are increasingly shifting from the ideal paradigm as educators to the pragmatic orientation of high salaries. The Bugis Makassar local culture value has a relation in the developing professionalism aspect of teachers not in a comprehensive approach. This paper aims to describe the perceptions of the Khonjo community and Sinjai Coast about the context of religious teachers through a socio-anthropological approach. The explorative descriptive qualitative paradigm was used in this study to get perspective, philosophical meanings, characteristics and values that could be nurtured at first. The decision of this study shows that if religious teachers are high ranking professional entities with their intrinsic value and religious literacy, their duties and roles are indispensable in the life of the community as religious and social educators, instructors (transfer of knowledge) and role models and even spiritual fathers. Religious teachers known as “tuangguru”, “Tanggurua”, “gurutta”, “to acca”, “anreguru”, “anrong guru”, and “to panrita” are community heritage that is relevant in the context of the teachers life which all contain intelligence and intellectual meaning in the community version Promoting the role and function of religious teachers is important to make the concept of teachers and Bugis Makassar cultural values as a tool to shape self-professionalism in social life.

Keywords: Religious Teachers, Bugis Makassar Culture, Revitalizing values

Topic: Religious Studies


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