ICMScE 2019 Conference

Analysis of Ecoliteracy of Students at Darul Hikam Dormitory based on Gender through Values Education of Taqwa Character Building (TCB)
Ovi Syafiatul Maulana (a*), Hertien Koosbandiah Surtikanti (b), Amprasto (b)

a) Program Magister Pendidikan Biologi, Universitas Pendidikan Biologi
b) Fakultas Pendidikan Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung, 40154, West Java, Indonesia


This study aimed to analyze the ecoliteracy of high school students at Darul Hikam Bandung dormitory based on gender through the value education of Taqwa Character Building (TCB) toward environment. This research is motivated by the low awareness and concern of students about the surrounding environment. Taqwa Character Building (TCB) is designed as value education to form a character of taqwa integrated into student activities. Data analyzed used quantitative approach with descriptive research methods. This study were conducted at 20 males and 20 females who lived in the Dormitory. Data were collected using questionnaire, interviews and documentation. A questionnaire of ecoliteracy was given to examine environmental knowledge and environmental behavior. Males obtained a higher average score than females, which is 3.46 with a medium category, while the females is 3.38 with the medium category. This analysis revealed very few gender-based differences ecoliteracy. The majority of males and females delegates have good knowledge of various aspects related to ecoliteracy as a manifestation of the integration of education in TCB values in daily activities of students.

Keywords: ecoliteracy; Darul Hikam dormitory; gender; TCB

Topic: Biology Education

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/YGZ84gxEDL3q

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