AASEC 2019 Conference

Scaffolding in Conceptual Science
Isrokatun (a*), Dita Anggita (b), Budi Sigit Purwono (c), Cucun Sunaengsih (d), Aah Ahmad Syahid (e)

a) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
b, d, e) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
c) SMP N 2 Brebes, Jawa Tengah


Scaffolding is a technique that can be used to make learning more meaningful. It is designed to help students realize their goals and provide support for students in need in the learning process. It is important to understand that students have their own development tempo, or better known as Zone Proximal Development (ZPD). Therefore, the teacher can conduct the learning process in accordance with the ZPD of each student. This individual difference will affect the students learning process and outcome. This study, which was conducted using descriptive qualitative design, was aimed at describing the application of scaffolding in each stage of Situation-Based Learning (SBL) in the topic of Force. Respondents in this study include fifth-grade primary school students aged 10 to 12 years old. The study found that optimal scaffolding could maximize students learning processes in understanding the concept of Force. This maximum learning process could later affect the quality of the students learning outcomes.

Keywords: Concept of Force; Learning Process; Primary School Students; SBL; Scaffolding; ZPD

Topic: Physics

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/YP7tZvXaU8xb

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