BEST 2019 Conference

Key Factors of Success Technology Transfer from Higher Education To Creative Industry in Bangkalan, Madura
Retno Indriartiningtias(a*), Andi Rahadiyan W(b), Subagyo(b), Budi Hartono(b)

a)Industrial Engineering Department, Trunojoyo University, Madura, Indonesia
*retnotmiitb[at], retno.indriartiningtias[at]

b)Industrial Engineering Department, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Technology is one of key factors in achieving competitive advantage of an organization, especially those in creative industries. Through effective technology transfer is it expected to be transferred technology really can be absorbed and used by the creative industries. There are several factors that influence the effectiveness of technology transfer, there are:, the source of the technology, media transfer, forms of technology, receiver technology and many other variables. Some models and framework can also be used to study the relationship of the key factors of success with the effectiveness of technology transfer. Based on an conceptual model, this research aims to identify the key success factors of the process of technology transfer from the Trunojoyo University to creative industries in Bangkalan Madura. This study uses a multivariate approach by using principal component analysis and linear regression. Based on data from the four creative industries in Bangkalan obtained mathematical models Y = 0.830 + 0.379Internal Characteristics of Creative Industry + 0.450Characteristics of transferor - 0.371External Characteristics of Creative Industry. The model has a R2 value of 0.299, which means those factors capable identifies the effectiveness of technology transfer by 29.9%, the rest is explained by other factors that have not been identified.

Keywords: effectiveness technology transfer, creative industries, principal component analysis, technology

Topic: Industrial Engineering


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