ICAIT 2019 Conference

Development of Agrinak Compass Sheep in the Application of Seedlings from Superior Science and Technology
1)Harmini; 2) R. Rusdiana



The appearance of sheep Compass Agrinak (CA) with pastoral care management such as the habits of farmers in Indramayu district shows that CA sheep can adapt well. One of the markers can be seen from the birth weight of lambs from cross-breeding between local mother sheep and CA males. Birth weight of lambs from crosses is relatively higher than local lambs, which is 3.08: 2.5 kg for females and 3.50: 3.04 for males. Some problems that require more careful observation where CA sheep die because of "swallowed/consumed" plastic that may still have left in them as food leftovers consumed by humans wrapped in plastic bags, so that when eating the leaves "eaten" also the plastic wrap that blocks the system digestion and breathing which eventually die. Technology guidance on the preparation of sheep feed from rice (straw) by-products has been carried out at the Bogor experimental station as well as making good and true block minerals and sheep cultivation. Preparations for developing BC sheep to be "averted" at the UPTD are being prepared by the pregnancy test through USG

Keywords: Compass Agrinak Sheep

Topic: Socio-economic aspects of animal farming

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/YRFrxpCH4XvE

Web Format | Corresponding Author (Harmini Harmini)