INCITEST 2019 Conference

Online Shop Sales Based on E-Commerce
G W Rahman (a*), S D Anggadini (b)

a) Departemen Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b) Departemen Akuntansi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia


The purpose of this research is to provide store sales businesses that are connected directly to websites with research information along with prices and purchasing methods. So that it can facilitate the purchase of products directly in the web. The method used in this research is descriptive method, where the data obtained from this research comes from social media that can be used to facilitate this e-commerce business. The results of this study are expected to increase customer trust and loyalty towards existing e-commerce. With an e-commerce based business, it can make it easier for sellers or customers to access faster in the process of buying and selling goods, besides that it can also simplify available information and improve the quality of services with internet use.

Keywords: Sales Business, Social Media, E-commerce

Topic: Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Web Format | Corresponding Author (Gerial Giovanni Esertha)