INCITEST 2019 Conference

The effect of overlap ratio and silicon carbide wheel grinder on vibration amplitude and surface roughness for material OCR12VM
Fachrizal Cesar Putra1, a), Suhardjono 2,b) and Sampurno 3,c)

1 Mechanical Engineering Department, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya 60111, Indonesia



This research aims to find out how big the effect of the overlap ratio and grit size silicon carbide wheel grinder to the vibration amplitude and surface roughness when grinding process and the correlation between the vibration amplitude and surface roughness. This research uses the material hardened tool steel OCR12VM. This research using the surface grinding machine KGS818AH model and this research using a variation of process parameters namely 5 variations on the overlap ratio, 4 variations on grit size silicon carbide wheel grinder, 2 variations in the depth of the cut and this research using constant parameters namely constant spindle speed and constant longitudinal feed. The selection the type of abrasive and the selection process parameters (overlap ratio and grit size silicon carbide wheel grinder) can give a great impact on the increased vibration amplitude and surface roughness on material OCR12VM. The conclusion of this study is with increasing overlap ratio, the vibration amplitude and surface roughness will decrease and the finer the grit size silicon carbide wheel grinder, the vibration amplitude and surface roughness will be lower.

Keywords: Grit size wheel grinder, Overlap Ratio, Vibration amplitude, Surface roughness,

Topic: Industrial Engineering


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