ICEBEES 2019 Conference

The Role of Servicescape on Loyalty Intentions Moderated by Student Perception
a.Wilma Cordelia Izaak, b.Ronggo Alit

a. Economic and Business Faculty-Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur
b. Computer Science Faculty-Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur


This quantitative research aims to examine the important role of the servicescape on the level of commitment of college students to complete their lectures in their university. This research also tries to explain how student-s perception in moderating servicescape towards intention to be loyal from UPN Veteran Jatim students. By using SEM Analysis, the results of the research are expected to be able to show the role of the servicescape towards the intention to be loyal of students and with perception able to strengthen or weaken student ratings to servicescape. This research is only carried out in a limited scope, where the population is students of 2016 and 2017, so that they can still pass the disposition stage or switch to different decisions during college, so that the focus of the research is students of class 2016 and students of class 2017 who are still actively recorded on the main data of the faculty. The main reason for this population selection is to get measurable results whether there is a relationship to the assessment of servicescape with loyalty intentions, with the moderator variables of student-s perception. The results of this research are expected to be able to provide a new choice that enriches the process of developing service marketing in the good university governance for higher education and the learning process for all parties.

Keywords: servicescape, loyalty intention, perception, good university governance

Topic: Management


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