BEST 2019 Conference

Performance Study And Emission Of Exhaust Gas Single Cylinder Diesel Engine Based On Fuel Bioetanol - Solar Using Fumigation And Blending Methods
Imron Rosyadi, Haryadi, Henry

Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa


The Indonesia Government is targeting the use of biofuel to be 30% diesel fuel and 20% bioethanol from the total needs of diesel fuel and gasoline by 2025. Diesel engine exhaust gas contains a lot of particulates because it is influenced by factors from fuel which is not clean. The addition of ethanol to diesel fuel is expected to provide a solution to reduce exhaust emissions from diesel engines. The 132 CC one cylinder diesel engine is used to test the effect of bioethanol addition on performance and exhaust emissions. The first research method was carried out by the fumigation method, namely the process of mixing diesel and bioethanol directly in the combustion chamber of a diesel engine. The second method is compared with Blending. High Speed Diesel (HSD) is mixed with bioethanol by adding surfactants that can emulsify water and oil to reduce the surface tension of the fuel. In this experiment it is divided into four variations, namely: for variation 1 pure HSD, variation 2 (93% HSD, 2% surfactant and 5% ethanol), variation 3 (HSD 88%, 2% surfactant and ethanol 10 %), variation 4 (83% HSD, 2% surfactant and 15% ethanol) and variation 5 Fumigation method (ethanol and HSD. The rotation speed of the 132 cc diesel engine was varied at rpm 1200, 1400, 1600, 1800, and 2000. Tests were carried out at the Performance Engine Laboratory and Mechanical Engineering Manufacturing Laboratory in Engineering Faculty Of Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa. The results of this research is The power is produced by ethanol and HSD greater than pure HSD fuel. Both the blend method and the fumigation method have high power. Blending of HSD and ethanol has an efficient specific fuel consumption (Sfc).

Keywords: Fumigation, blending, bioethanol, gas emissions

Topic: Mechanical Engineering


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