ISBEST 2019 Conference

User-s Attitude Towards Website As a Form of CSR Information
Muhammad a, Dwi Narullia b, Fitri Purnamasari c , Rahmatullah Attaufiqi d, Rizal Ardyatama e, Rheza Wahyu Utomo f

abc Universitas Negeri Malang

cde Universitas Negeri Malang


CSR becomes an important part of a company, along with the communitys concern for the environment and social surroundings. In addition to economic orientation, CSR represents an entitys efforts to preserve social and environmental sustainability to maintain sustainable development. The disclosure of company information has grown by utilizing website pages, not only through financial statements. The difference in the use of a media naturally invites different user attitude responses. This study aims to determine whether the appearance of a website that contains company-s CSR information can affect the users attitude towards it, because the disclosure of CSR to users is considered as proof of the companys commitment to social and environmental aspects around it. Through the experimental method, researchers collect primary data by handed out some questionnaires that will be filled in accordance with the appearance of the website seen by respondents. The first is about the website with a static displays, texts and images. While the second one is a website with text views, static images, interactive images, and videos. This study conducted data analysis using the Mann-Whitney Test. The results show that the users attitude towards website with more attractive views is higher than the website with a static display. Thus it can be said that the richer a website, the attitude shown by stakeholders associated with the website will be better. In addition, the level of trust and satisfaction with information presented on websites with a more attractive appearance is higher than websites with a static display.

Keywords: CSR Communication; Website; User-s Attitude

Topic: Contemporary issues in Digital Transformation


Web Format | Corresponding Author (Dwi Narullia)