ICISER 2019 Conference

Political Brand of Political Party on Mass Media (Content Analysis of 2019 General Election Issues on MetroTV News Programs)
Achmad Haryo Puja Siswono (*), Ummi Salamah

Department of Communication, University of Indonesia,
Gedung IASTH Lt.6, Jl. Salemba Raya No.4, Jakarta


The upcoming 2019 Election is different from the previous elections where the legislative election and presidential election will be held simultaneously. Partai NasDem as one of the participants in the Election is certainly required to be able to adapt to this Simultaneous Election. Therefore, Partai NasDem need to set a strategy in order to achieve the parliamentary threshold. Based on Van Riel and Balmer corporate brand identity concept, this paper aims to examine how Partai NasDem communicate its identity through mass media, especially Metro TV. We conducted a content analysis of 2019 General Election Issues (N=694) on Metro TV News Programs during the 3rd Debate (17 March 2019) to the 4th Debate (30 March 2019). This research found that during the aforementioned period, Metro TV has 57% (N=395) news articles that content positive tone towards Partai NasDem political interest which 24% (N=96) of them are used to communicate Partai NasDem identity

Keywords: Political Party; Political Brand; Corporate Brand; Content Analysis; Mass Media; Election

Topic: What are the topics?

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/ZF2RA6MgEcPG

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