ICoSI 2019 Conference

Funeraria and Modern Funeral Homes: Change, Modernity and Sustainability
Rohane Derogongan, Arnann Jay Agosto, Russel Barinan

Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology


Some people make a living out of the dead as the case with workers and owners of funeral homes. Since the 1950s, traditionally operated funeral homes or funeraria which are family-owned have been existing in Iligan City, Philippines. However, with the advent of technology and modernity, funeraria have to compete with modern funeral homes owned by corporations. The emergence of modern funeral homes created a competitive market on the business of dealing with the dead that includes funeral and burial services, wake preparations for the dead and the bereaved families. The collected narratives of funeraria owners revealed challenges on profitability of the business and sustainability of livelihood of families. Such challenges affect the citys social system for political and economic growth since funeral homes bring in job opportunities, makes the community relations stronger and promote prominence of local politicians. To ensure the undying culture of funeraria, local government of Iligan must extend support in protecting the funeraria against corporate funeral homes, community must fight against excessive consumerism for small funeral businesses to continue and the academe to scholarly sustain the discussions on culture, identity and heritage preservation.

Keywords: Funeraria, Corporate funeral homes, Iligan City, modernity,sustainability

Topic: International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/ZJ4ALNm7gT6u

Web Format | Corresponding Author (Rohane Marohomsalic Derogongan)