BIS 2019 Conference

Empathy and its Relation to Nationalism in Youth in Jakarta
Rahmah Hastuti (a), Pamela Hendra Heng (b*) & Naomi Soetikno (c)

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Tarumanagara, Jakarta



One of factual condition is when observing changes in the attitude of nationalism that occurs in society. The role of nationalism and empathy has been examined from various research studies and representing a variety of perspectives. This study was conducted on 43 individuals who are at the stage of emerging adulthood age. This study uses two measuring instruments, heroism measurement tools, one of which is nationalism (Hastuti & Budiarto, 2015). Next, the empathy measurement tool was adapted from The Interpersonal Reactivity Index on the Emphatic Concern Scale dimension (Davis, 1980). The results of the analysis using the Spearman correlation, prove that there is a positive correlation between nationalism and empathy variables with a correlation score r = 0.491, p = 0.01 <0.05. That is, the higher nationalism in individuals shows the higher empathy in individuals. Empirical findings from this study that nationalism and empathy of the participants are classified as high.

Keywords: nationalism, empathy, emerging adulthood

Topic: Psychology


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