AASEC 2019 Conference

Implications of Higher Order Tensor in Einstein Field Equations on Vacuum Conditions
Teguh Budi Prayitno, Riser Fahdiran

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


We investigated the implications when introducing the higher order tensor in the Einstein field equations for the Schwarzschild metric on the vacuum condition and non de Sitter. Since the components of this tensor contain the fourth-order derivative, the solution of the Einstein field equations was solved by the Frobenius method. To see the implications, we tested two cases, i.e., the deviation of light and the time delay of light. We found that the deviation of light has no correction while the time delay of light needs correction.

Keywords: Higher order tensor, Schwarzschild metric

Topic: Physics

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/Zpm3uJ4j9Rvc

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