AISTEEL 2019 Conference

Type of Language Style Used by Teachers in Classroom Interaction
Muhammad Hasril Fakhrurrozi (a*), Amrin Saragih (a), Syahron Lubis (a)

a) English Applied Linguistic, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, Indonesia


This research was conducted to investigate language style in classroom interaction. The objective of this research was to find out the types of language style used by teachers in classroom interaction. the subject of this research was three teachers who teach in the same class. The teachers utterances to students that occurred in classroom interaction were the data in this research. The researcher used descriptive qualitative method and used observation as the instrument to collecting data. the researcher used language style theory by Joos (1967) to indicates the types of language style used by teachers in classroom interaction. In this research, the researcher found that there were four types of language style used by teachers in classroom interaction, they were casual style as the most language style used by teachers (53,16%), followed by consultative style (32,11%), formal style (14,21%) and the last was intimate style (0,53%)

Keywords: Language style, Classroom Interaction

Topic: Social,Language and Cultural Education


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