BIS 2019 Conference

Norma Dewi Shalikhah (a), Tria Mardiana (b)

(a) Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education
(b) Elementary School Teacher Education
Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang


A teacher is required to be able to create a conducive learning situation, fun and motivate students that will have a positive impact in the achievement of learning outcomes. Specific objectives from this research are 1) applying the edutainment-based learning model with video scribe on thematic learning at MI Muhammadiyah Rambeanak 1 Magelang Regency; and 2) packaging a scientific approach in the form of the observing, asking, trying, analyzing, and communicating method in thematic learning can be carried out through video scribe. The long term goal of this research is to improve the quality of elementary school. This research is a field of research with data collection techniques including document studies, observations, interviews, forum group discussion, and questionnaires to find out students opinions. The results of this study are 1) creating an edutainment atmosphere in thematic learning using video scribe which is seen from the results of the student opinion questionnaire which states 82.3% pleasant atmosphere, 83.3% conducive learning environment, 81.4% attracts interest, and 79, 6% involves all the senses and mind; and 2) thematic learning using a scientific approach in the form of the observing, asking, trying, analyzing and communicating method can be carried out through video scribe.

Keywords: edutainment, video scribe, learning, thematic

Topic: Education


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