AASEC 2019 Conference

Application of Physical Tests Development Model for All Sports at PPLPD Musi Banyuasin, South Sumatera
Hartati, Ahmad Richard Victorian, Silvi Aryanti, Destriana, Destriani

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sriwijaya



Physical activity carried out by exercising can be beneficial to improve the quality of life, health and fitness, all the sport activity can be controlled with a physical test application. The purpose of this study was to produce a valid, physical, practical and effective sports test application product that was carried out in the PPLPD Musi Banyuasin. This method is research and development in the framework of analyzing, designing, validating by media experts and physical trainers, improving design, conducting trials on small groups of athletes, revising physical test application products, revising large group test results, and finally analyzing products end. The results of the analysis of the influence between the level of physical activity and fitness showed that categorized as the right test and measurement tool. This can be seen from the results of the physical examiners assessment, namely 81.6%, 91% computer experts and based on the results of field trials, namely 91.5%, with the help of a physical test application , its easier to assess and control sports. The implications of the product are physical test applications that can be used for all sports and can be used to find the results of the training program.

Keywords: physical test, development model, application

Topic: Sport Science and Technology

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/a6bDQE2XJtVC

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