ICoFA 2019 Conference

Increased Production of Duck Cattle Through Improved Maintenance Management in Male Ducks in Jember Regency
Hariadi Subagja, Dharwin Siswantoro, and Dyah Laksito Rukmi

Department of Animal Husbandry Agriculture, Politeknik Negeri Jember, Jalan Mastrip PO BOX 164, Jember 68121, Indonesia

*Corresponding author: hariadisubagja[at]gmail.com


This study aimed to determine the factors of production that influence the increased of production of male ducks in Jember Regency. The reasearch method used was survey with 30 respondents that took by purposive random sampling. The data result were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis. The result of analysis showed Y= -6.020852 - 0.011653X1 + 0.988392X2 - 0.026411X3 + 0.028399X4 - 0.002938X5 -0.021354X6 + 1.025319X7 + 0.055929X8 + μ. That equation means that each increased in production male ducks was influenced by X1 (Day Old Duck) equal to - 0.011653, X2 (body weight) equal to 0.988392, X3 (cage density) equal to -0.02641, X4 (mortality) equal to -0.028399, X5 (OVAC:medicines, vitamins, and vaccines) equal to 0.002938, X6 (feed) equal to 0.021354, X7 (labor) equal to 1.025319, X8 (growth age) equal to -0.055929. The result of F-test showed that growth weight (X2), mortality density (X4), and labor (X7) variabels has significant. Based on the coefficient of determination of 0.99%, the produkction of male ducks is explained by the variabels in the study, while 0,1% was explained by variables outside the study.

Keywords: male ducks, production factors, multiple linear regression analysis

Topic: Animal Nutrition, Animal Production, and Veterinary Science

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/aP8bw2ZtXReE

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