AISTEEL 2019 Conference

Devepolment of Two-tier Multiple Choice Instrument to Measure Higher Order Thinking Skills
Rifka Annisa Girsang (a*). Wawan Bunawan (b). Rita Juliani (c)

Physics Education, Post Graduate, Universitas Negeri Medan
Jalan Willem, Medan, Indonesia


The study aims to develop Two-tier Multiple Choice (TTMC) test to measure students Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) in material Momentum and Impulse to standard qualifications of good test based in validity, reliability, difficulty index, discrimination index and effectiveness distractor. The type of research is developmental research, using the ADDIE model. The data analysis technique used is qualitative and quantitative technique. The results of this study based on qualitative analysis showed that quality of the test questions was very good with a percentage of validity of 91,33%. Quantitative analysis of the quality of the TTMC test is good. Analysis of 27 items in the small group trials showed test obtained 24 items received and 3 items were rejected. The large group test was obtained: (1) 19 valid items (71%), 5 invalid items (21%). (2) The test having enough reliability is 0.587. (3) 3 (13%) easy items, 12 (50%) medium items and 9 (38%) difficult items. (4) Discrimination index of the questions was obtained by 14 (58%) questions in the excellent category, 5 (21%) questions in the good category and 5 (21%) questions in the bad category. (5) 19 (79%) were effective items and 5 (21%) were ineffective items. Items received were 12 (50%) questions, 7 (29%) items revised and 5 (21%) items rejected.

Keywords: Development, Two-tier Multiple Choice, Validity, Reliability

Topic: Curriculum, Research and Development


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