AASEC 2019 Conference

Locomotor Basic Movement Skill Instruments Through Games For Elementary School
Eka Fitri Novita Sari

Physical Education, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Pemuda 10 Rawamangun, East Jakarta, Indonesia
Email: efnovita[at]unj.ac.id


Abstract The instrument of locomotor basic movement skills for elementary school students based game is a measurement tool to determine the eight learning outcomes of locomotor basic movement that are carried out in play activities. Early level students of primary school are children at an age where fun activities are essential to them. Assessment of learning outcomes can be carried out in any natural conditions through play activities. This study aims to develop the instrument by identifying the characteristics of children generally at their age besides to analyze the current methods that have been used by teachers in elementary school. Literature review method was used in this research through pre-survey activities. The survey was carried out in 17 public elementary schools in Ciracas sub-district, East Jakarta by producing a design of instrument for locomotor baseline assessment through play activities. The results of this preliminary study recommended that puzzle games can be applied as an assessment tool for the locomotor basic movement of low-grade students in the elementary school, but with revisions to improve the final blueprint/prototype.

Keywords: Instruments, locomotor movement, games, elementary students, play activities

Topic: Sport Science and Technology

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/adNCWygGJEXe

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