BIS 2019 Conference

An Investigative Study: Why Does Stunting Still Happen in Indonesia?
Septi Wardani(1), Dwi Sulistyono(2), Sri Hananto Ponco Nugroho(3)

Department of Nursing,
Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang,
Jl. Mayjend Bambang Soegeng Mertoyudan Magelang, Jawa Tengah Indonesia


Stunting is one of the main targets for managing child health problems in the world up to 2025. Stunting has a negative impact on children, both physically, psychologically, cognitively and economically. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the causes of stunting in Indonesia, especially in Magelang District, Central Java. The study was conducted with a mix method, which was a case control with a retrospective and qualitative approach with a phenomenological approach. The Data collection was carried out by in-depth interviews with 69 children aged 6-59 months who had experienced stunting as a case and non-stunting children as controls. The results of in-depth interviews with 5 mothers with stunting children were found that during pregnancy, mothers consume low-nutrition foods, children do not get exclusive breastfeeding, and consumption of nutritious foods in children is also low. In addition, stunting children do not get complete immunization.

Keywords: Stunting, nutrition for pregnant women, child nutrition, exclusive breastfeeding, immunization

Topic: Public Health


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