STCSD 2019 Conference

Territorial Awareness and Sustainable Development: Case Study of the Camar Bulan Village
Dr. Iva Rachmawati and Dr. Machya Astuti Dewi

International Relations Department, Social and Political Sciences, UPN Veteran University of Yogyakarta


The border area is an area that is very vulnerable to state sovereignty. Violations of territorial borders, illegal trade to issues of nationalism on the border are common things found in border areas. Although the demarcation line has been agreed upon, border issues cannot only be managed by enforcing state boundaries. The Indonesia- Malaysia border is a vulnerable border on issues such as the absence of an agreed line of demarcation, smuggling and the issue of uprooting nationalism. Similarly, the Indonesia Malaysia border in the Camar Bulan Village which is located at the tip of West Kalimantan. Those areas that are still difficult to reach and very vulnerable also to border problems. However, citizens choose to remain bound as Indonesian citizens even though neighboring countries have a better level of development and prosperity. This article is the result of qualitative research on the Camar Bulan Village using the concept of place attachment. The results of field observations and in-depth interviews show that the depth of place attachment built by emotional ties and experience encourages citizens to maintain territorial awareness in addition to the increasingly intense presence of the state through pro-border policies

Keywords: Territorial Awareness, Borders, Place Attachments

Topic: Public Policy, Public Service and Sustainable Development


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