ICHS 2019 Conference

The Contribution Of The Strength Of Leg Muscle And Eye-Hand Coordination Toward The Ability Of Free Throws In Basketball
Novriansyah, Djoko Pekik Irianto

Posgraduate Program Of Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia


Background: physical education students are about the influence of leg muscle strength and eye-hand coordination in basketball free throw, thus making students unable to free throw well. This is caused by the lack of maximizing the role of leg muscle strength and eye-hand coordination in doing basketball free throws so that the results are not optimal. Purpose: This study aims to determine the contribution of leg muscle strength to free throw ability, a contribution of eye-hand coordination to the ability of free throw shooting, and contribution of leg muscle strength and eye and hand coordination to the ability of free throws. This research was conducted at Program study Penjaskesrek. Methods: The research method used is the correlation method with statistics on the percentage of multiple correlations, this study is objective or what it is with a sample of 58 male students in the fourth semester of Penjaskesrek with the Total Sampling technique. Result: The results of the data on the contribution of leg muscle strength (X1) to the free throw (Y) are 32.49%. The results of data on coordination eye-hand contributions (X2) to the free throw (Y) are 40.96%. Then the contribution of leg muscle strength (X1) and coordination eye-hand (X2) to the free throw (Y) is 51.84%. Conclusion: based on the above results it can be concluded that the contribution between leg muscle strength and coordination eye-hand on the results of free throw basketball on students at the University of Bengkulu is 51.84%.

Keywords: Keywords: leg muscle strength, coordination eye-hand, free throw

Topic: Sport Sciences and Physical Education

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/atRNf9BmLK4T

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