BIS 2019 Conference

Mona Sugianto, Zainal Abidin, Urip Purwono, Juke Siregar

Faculty of Psychology, Padjadjaran University, Bandung


The realization that trust is a very important factor in interpersonal and social relations has attracted the interest of many researchers. However, to fully understand the process of trusting others, it is important to do a deeper exploration of the reasons underlying trust in others. This study aims to understand the supporting factors and inhibitors of trust in others. Using the phenomenological qualitative approach, data were obtained using an online form containing life experiences reflections obtained from 577 participants. Data were analyzed by thematic analysis using the NVivo 12 Pro Edition NVT12-LZ000-AAK20-HGCTZ-Y99W1. The results of the study reveal that the supporting factors of trust in others are personal experiences being treated well by others or doing good to others, beliefs about human nature that is basically good, and witnessing the other-s kindness. The inhibiting factors in trusting others are personal experiences being treated badly by others, witnessing the bad side of others, and having the belief that human beings are basically bad. To increase trust in fellows, participation is needed in the form of role models in family life, the habits formation that reflect life experiences and proportional information management in displaying the good and evil side of human beings.

Keywords: : faith; humanity; faith in humanity; interpersonal relationships; good and evil.

Topic: Psychology


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