ICMScE 2019 Conference

Validity of Modul Based On Project Based Larning in Learning Media Subject
Diana Susanti (a*), Vivi Fitriani (a), Liza Yulia Sari(a)

a. Department of Biology Education, STKIP PGRI West Sumatera, Jl. Gunung Pangilun, Padang 25173, Indonesia


Learning Media subject push the students to produce the media that used in learning proccess. But no one the student used the learning material. It made the student not creative to make the design or create the media. To solve this problem, it need to develop the learning material based on projeci based learning, because in Media learning subject the sutents must design or create the media that used in learning. Modul help the students learn indenpendently and make the student learn how to design and create the good media that used in learning proces . The purpose of this research is to produce modul based on project based learning in Leaning media that valid. Models and procedure of development was developed with four-D model, this research was develop phase. Stands of develop phase to validated at STKIP PGRI West Sumatera from lecturer. Data obtained to determinine modul derived from validation sheet. Average validity of modul was 97,35%. The result of the observation showed that modul very valid. Based on the results, this research can be concluded that the Develop of modul based projeci based learning in learning media subject is very valid.

Keywords: Project Based Learning, Modul, Validity

Topic: Biology Education

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/beKpufyMJL96

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