ICPS 2019 Conference

Comparison of The Effect Finacial on Return on Assets (ROA) at Conventional Commmercial Banks and Islamic Commercial Banks
Haryo Firas Tunas Kuncoro dan Sri Herianingrum

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis


This study explains the results of a study that analyzes the Comparison of the Effect of Financial Ratio on Return on Assets (ROA) on Conventional Commercial Banks and Islamic Commercial Banks for the 2014-2018 period using the variables used are ROA, NPF / NPL, CAR, BOPO and FDR / LDR, research samples are 2 Sharia Commercial Banks (BRI Syariah and Bank Syariah Mandiri) and 2 Conventional Commercial Banks (BRI and Bank Mandiri) Analysis methods used using Multiple Linear Regression Analysis, Statistic Test namely coefficient of determination, t statistical test, simultaneous test F and Classical Assumptions through normality test, heteroscedasticity test, multicollinearity test, autocorrelation test and Independent T-test sample test. This study found that the NPL / NPF variable had a significant negative effect on ROA on BRI and Bank Syariah Mandiri, NPL / NPF had a positive effect on ROA on Bank Mandiri not significant and BRI Syariah significant. CAR variables have a positive and significant effect on BRI but are not significant at Bank Mandiri and BRI Syariah while in Bank Syariah Mandiri the negative effect is not significant. BOPO has a significant negative effect on ROA. FDR / LDR has a significant negative effect on Bank Mandiri and BRI Syariah but is not significant while being positive and significant in BRI and Bank Syariah Mandiri. As well as the Independent test sample t-test Sharia Commercial Banks are larger than Conventional Commercial Banks, namely NPL / NPF, BOPO, LDR / FDR, while Conventional Commercial Banks are larger than Islamic Commercial Banks on ROA and CAR ratios.

Keywords: ROA, NPF/NPL, CAR, BOPO, and FDR/LDR

Topic: Social and Economic Issues

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/bgWjncRK7qAv

Web Format | Corresponding Author (Haryo Firas Tunas Kuncoro)