ICAS 2019 Conference

The Influence of Character and Creativity Initiative (CCI) Learning Approach and Lecturers Qualification towards the Learning Results of Program Design Method after Controlling the Mathematics Logic Ability
Hardjito S. Darmojo (a,b), Gaguk Margono (a), Yuliatri Sastrawijaya (a)

(a.) Educational Research and Evaluation, State University
of Jakarta
(b) Syekh-Yusuf Islamic University Tangerang


This research is aimed at implementing the Character and Creativity Initiative (CCI) education and finding out a description about lecturers performance professionalism in order to increase the students learning achievement, as well as finding out the students learning results on program design method. The method used in this research is experiment with 2 x 2 design factorial. The research hypothesis is tested by using Analysis Covariance (ANCOVA). Research subjects include 128 students of Informatics Technical Study Program at Technical Faculty UNIS Tangerang. Data are collected by using a research instrument on program design method learning results and an instrument on mathematics logic ability. Research results show that 1) the implementation of Character and Creativity Initiative education in program design method lecture can increase the students learning results based on good learning plan, execution, and evaluation, and 2) Character and Creativity Initiative (CCI) learning approach taught by certified lecturers can increase the students learning results on program design method.

Keywords: Character and Creativity Initiative, Lecturers Qualification, Learning Results of Program Design Method

Topic: Education

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/brC8UwdgFazM

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