ICHS 2019 Conference

public health
Nilisrianggi & Santi Martini

Universitas Airlangga


ANALYSIS OF RISK FACTORS AFFECTING THE DISEASES STROKE IN PRODUCTIVE AGE IN INDONESIA, 2014 (STUDY USING IFLS 5 SECONDARY DATA) Nilisrianggi1, Santi Martini2 1Master program in Epidemiology, Faculty of Public Health, Airlangga University 2Departement of Epidemiology, Faculty of Public Health, Airlangga University ABSTRACT Background: According to World Health Organization, more than two-thirds (70%) of the global population will die from non-communicable diseases such as cancer, heart disease, stroke and diabetes. The prevalence of stroke in Indonesia based on diagnosis in the population aged> 15 years from 2013-2018 has increased for stroke sufferers. Aim: This study aims to analyze the risk factors that influence stroke in the productive age group in Indonesia in 2014. Method: The research design was a cross sectional observational analytic study. This study was carried out in Indonesia using secondary data from the Fifth wave Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS5). The dependent variable was stroke, while the independent variables were age, gender, smoking status and history of hypertension. The sample was the population aged> 15-59 years (productive age) Results: Respondents who are aged 51-59 years are 1.6 times at risk of stroke, Males are 0.14 times less at risk compared to Female, Smokers are 1.6 times at risk of stroke compared with respondents who have never smoked and Respondents who are at risk of hypertension are 2.5 times at risk of stroke compared with respondents who are not hypertensive. Conclusion: There is a high influence of age, gender, smoking history and hypertension on the incidence of stroke. Keywords: Risk Factors, Stroke, IFLS

Keywords: Risk factors, Stroke, IFLS


Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/c8BAPghEedHn

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