Trend of Islamic Dwelling in Indonesia and Its Differences with Conventional Dwelling
Muhammad Rifqi Hidayat (a)*, Parman Komarudin (b)
a) UIN Antasari Banjarmasin
* rifqifebi[at]
b) Universitas Islam Kalimantan Muhammad Arsyad al-Banjari Banjarmasin
Dewan Syariah Nasional - Majelis Ulama Indonesia (The National Sharia Council of the Indonesian Ulema Council) has set regulations regarding the provisions that must be fulfilled by Islamic hotels in Fatwa Number 108 of 2016 about Islamic Tourism, but the fatwa has not regulated the phenomenon of Islamic dwelling in the form of houses or boarding houses that have started to appear in Indonesia. So this research is run with the aim to analyze how the community understands, especially the developers and occupants of Islamic houses regarding the definition of Islamic dwelling itself, along with the criteria that distinguish it from ordinary residential or conventional occupancy. This is a qualitative field research type with data sourced from Islamic dwellings in the city of Banjarmasin, to be analyzed inductively. Inductive analysis results from research data indicate that Islamic dwellings is a house and/or rental house and/or boarding house that is run based on Islamic principles and values. There are at least four criteria that need to be obeyed by an Islamic dwelling: Islamic contract; separation of men and women without any blood or marital relations, Islamic environment, and not to use the services of conventional financial institutions.
Keywords: Islamic Board Dwellings; Islamic Dwellings; Islamic Housing
Topic: Business Model Innovation