ICHA 2019 Conference

The Effort to maintain retention of ward nurses at x hospital
Alfan Erzi (a*), Tita Hariyanti (b), Asti Melani Astari (c)

a) Magister Manajemen Rumah sakit Fakultas Kedokteran UNIBRAW
2) Magister Manajemen Rumah sakit Fakultas Kedokteran UNIBRAW
3) Magister Keperawatan Fakultas Kedokteran UNIBRAW


Background: The incidence of nurse turnover both throughout the world and in Indonesia is quite high. Turnover rates in the world range from 15 to 44%, while in Indonesia the turnover rate ranges from 13 to 35%. Research says one of the causes that can also trigger turnover is a high workload. At X Hospital, the ward nurses workload is quite high, but the turnover rate is low. This makes the researcher want to examine the hospitals efforts in nurse retention, through the nurses working experience. Method: The method chosen in this study was qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. The study was conducted at the X Hospital in February-May 2019. Data collection was carried out by conducting in-depth interviews and unstructured observation. The collected data is then analyzed using the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) method. Results: In the interaction between themes found the core theme is that nurses choose to stay in hospital. The core theme is formed from three themes, namely, nurses prioritize patient interests rather than personal interests, nurses feel united with the hospital and nurses feel working is worship. The three themes were felt by nurses even though the workload was high, not optimal in working and experiencing stressful work situations.

Keywords: nurse turnover, stress, nurse experience, ward, workload

Topic: Human Resources Management

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/cNwCZXvdgP72

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