The Effect Of Giving Purple Sweet Potato-s Extract to Malondialdehyde Levels on Diabetic Type 2 Rat Model
Arwinda Probowati 1, a) , Abdul Gofur1, b), Betty Lukiati 1, c)
1Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jl. Semarang 5 Malang 65145, Indonesia
Abstract. Diabetic Type 2 is generally characterized by hyperglycemi which causes free radicals in the cell increasing. Excessive free radicals will cause oxidative stress. Conditions of oxidative stress can be seen from the high levels of malondyaldehyde (MDA) as the final product of lipid peroxidation. Free radical activity can be prevented by intake of foods that contain antioxidants. One of sources of food that contain high antioxidants is purple sweet potato. ThiS research aims to determine the effect of giving purple potato-s extract to MDA levels on diabetic type 2 rat model. Rats were feed with proximate nutrition food of 20gr per day and drank 10% sucrose in ad libitum for 8 weeks and then injected with STZ multiple low dose intraperitoneal (IP) to become diabetic. Measurement of lipid peroxidation activity using the Thiobarbituric Acid (TBA) method. The result of this study is purple sweet potato has an effect to decrease malondialdehyde levels on diavetic type 2 rat model.
Keywords: Purple Sweet Potato, Malondialdehyde, DMT2
Topic: Biomedical Science