AISTEEL 2019 Conference

The Supervision Model of Principal in Improving Teachers Performance (Case Study at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Muslimin in Tebing Tinggi)
Efni Efridah (a*), Benyamin Situmorang (b), Eka Daryanto (b)

Universitas Negeri Medan


The purpose of this study is to determine the principalsupervision strategy in improving teachers performance at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Muslimin in Tebing Tinggi. This studyused qualitative research methods. The data obtained based on observations, interviews, and documentation. The research has drawn the followingresult; Principal have not provided diverse strategies in supervising teachers, teachers performance in MadrasahTsanawiyah Al Muslimin is very dependent on the supervision of the principal, and supervision in MadrasahTsanawiyah Al-Muslimin has not been carried out properly. In this study, a suitable supervision strategy to improve teachers performance is very important to be carried out at MadrasahTsanawiyah Al-Muslimin. The finding of this studyindicates supervision strategy used by the principal improve teachers performance.

Keywords: Supervision, Performance

Topic: Economics, Business and Management Education


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